Wet and wonderful

There is something magical about rain falling of the roof of your house while you fall asleep and waking up to the same sound makes it even more magical. Getting out of bed to go to work is just not right, I mean who wants to slave away in front of your computer when you …

There is something magical about rain falling of the roof of your house while you fall asleep and waking up to the same sound makes it even more magical.

Getting out of bed to go to work is just not right, I mean who wants to slave away in front of your computer when you can curl up with a nice book or a romantic movie, coffee and the sound of rain falling softly outside?

But slave away we must because we have bills to pay and kids to feed. The worst, however, is driving to work in the rain. Not only do you wish you can still snuggle up in your warm bed, but you have to think for the other idiots on the road as well because somehow, as soon as raindrops fall, people forget how to drive.

Just to continue with my own personal road safety campaign, please take is easy on the road. I honestly don’t want to write about an accident you were involved in in the Roodepoort record.

Moving on to more exciting news, the interaction on the Roodepoort record website, facebook and Twitter has been phenomenal and I would like to thank every single person who made that possible.

It is very exciting to know that residents are as much involved in the community as the record staff are and we will continue to the best of our ability to keep you updated on the latest breaking news.

The load-shedding schedule is also already on the webpage and we will send you messages of the areas where load shedding will take place.
By the way, what do you think about load shedding? Are you one of those people who do not adhere to the warnings about high electricity usage on TV? Or do you switch off your pool pump, lights and geyser as requested?

We would love to hear your view on load shedding, let us know. Send your comment to www.roodepoortrecord.co.za or tweet to @Rdptrecord.
Take care and enjoy your week. Be kind to one another.

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