Goju-Ryu is a way of life

HONEYDEW – Discipline and character building is what Goju-Ryu Karate is about says instructor Nic Chalmers.

Goju-Ryu Karate is a great base to form character and discipline, says Goju-Ryu karate Instructor Nic Chalmers.

Chalmers has been involved with the sport for the last 25 years and he now has his 3rd Dan Black Belt. He said, “I have 10 years worth of experience as a teacher and I have represented South Africa at various events in Mozambique and Israel.”

“Goju-Ryu is an Okinawan style of karate and the emphasis is on building as much self-esteem from as young as possible. This form of karate incorporates both hard and soft techniques.”

He explained that no matter how old you are, you can always come and join him at the Karateka.

“During the week we train different levels of belts on different days. In a sport like Goju-Ryu, one can get nine different belts that range from white to black and the intensity levels of each category differs.”

Chalmers said that the discipline part of the training helps younger students in all parts of their life, be it school, work or other sport activities.

“The sport incorporates ‘katas’ that take a lot of time to master and our training on the punch bags and other exercises help students to perform at their best.”

He concluded by saying that people who are interested to find out how the sport works and how late training starts can call him at the dojo.

Details: Nic Chalmers 071 647 1692.

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