VIDEO: Did you just upload that to Facebook?

Let's see how brave you are.

Social media is anything but social. We know this, because it changed the way we make friends and form relationships.

It gives us a good first impression of people we have not yet met. Don’t judge a book by it’s cover? Yeah Right! Facebook gives us the ability to accurately judge every book by its respective cover.

Feeling brave? Why not tell the world how smashed you got last night and how you have to endure an entire work day with a hangover. I’m not sure what your current boss’ response will be, but I’m pretty confident that any prospective new employer will steer well clear of you.

Trying to lie your way into a new relationship? Don’t forget to delete every photo and post contradicting your new values. *wink,*wink.

People see Facebook as their second reality, where they are invincible and untouchable — hence the many bold and brave posts.

The video below shows exactly how brave some Facebook members get. This is an awesome example of how not-so-well-thought-through Facebook posts can come and bite you in the… wait, see for yourself (“,)

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