What the Nek?

Facebook is flooded with videos of my friends downing all sorts of liquids. Of course I had to investigate. I am aware of the Neknominations posted on facebook. Quite a silly concept if you ask me; you basically get nominated, down or ‘Nek’ a drink while doing something unusual and nominate (more or less) three …

Facebook is flooded with videos of my friends downing all sorts of liquids. Of course I had to investigate.

I am aware of the Neknominations posted on facebook. Quite a silly concept if you ask me; you basically get nominated, down or ‘Nek’ a drink while doing something unusual and nominate (more or less) three of your friends to do the same within 24 hours.

What I do like about it, however, is that it creates a social connection like no other. To some, just the thought of being nominated is as good as being asked to the matric farewell or your friend taking you on an all-expenses-paid trip.

It’s an honour. Somebody thought about you enough to involve you in this campaign. What is wrong with it, however, is that it lacks action. You achieve nothing other than a small amount of fame.

So this brings us to the first South African (unofficially) to use his Neknomination to provide a homeless man with food and drink. Now all of a sudden everyone wants to do that, and the Neknomination branched out to Neednominations et cetera.

Even though we have action here, it is still a bit boring and uninspiring to watch.

I am yet to see one video that really inspires, but with companies now challenging each other, things are looking good. Send us your Neknomination videos to be loaded on our website. Challenge each other and inspire your community.

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