Just a twirl girl in a freestyle world

Young freestyle dancer Jada Croll has earned her Protea colours and won the World Pairs Freestyle Championships.

Jada Ann Croll has once again proven herself to be the master of freestyle dancing, presenting her another opportunity to dazzle audiences worldwide.

Jada is counting the days until she arrives in Blackpool, UK, for the World Freestyle Championships, where she will represent the rainbow nation. This comes after she and her partner Caitlyn Nortje won the World Pairs U16 Championships, which is a massive feat in their category.

Jada and Caitlyn both qualified in their respective solo categories for slow dance and freestyle, as well as for pairs. Additionally, Jada is ranked first in South Africa for 14 to 15 years of Premium Champ in Freestyle. In South Africa, only the top three receive Protea colours and she is first.

“It means everything to me to get to the finals, with having gone through multiple rounds, to be called back each time until the quarter-final, then the semi-final, and I am hoping for a final call back. I just want to show my personality in the final. Let the judges allow me to dance my spot routine and show them what we South Africans are all about. I have worked so hard and am so happy to be able to do this,” she expressed.

The 15-year-old has been a dancer since the age of three and has shown her dance moves in many different genres. She began with ballet and dabbled in some hip hop, but the swift and accelerated, powerful passion of the freestyle dancing world came to Jada’s attention in mid-2018.

According to her mother, Monika Croll, Jada has a different schedule and training now, which includes training six days a week, between three and four hours a day, proper nutrition, good sleep, supplementation, fitness and technique classes, and total dedication of mind, body, and soul.

Her mother, community, and dance studio are extremely proud of her dedication and the work she put in.

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