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Help Leandri represent South Africa in Mauritius

Fusion Dance International is based in Discovery and has managed to qualify to compete in a Grand Prix in Mauritius in September 2024.

A Laerskool Helderkruin dancer recently had the opportunity to participate in a dancing Grand Prix for the International Fine Arts Association under her dance school Fusion International and has managed to qualify to compete in Mauritius in September 2024.

Leandri Steyn, a grade six learner, has had a passion for dancing since the age of six and entered the Grand Prix this year which put her through to the provincial championships which will take place in November in Buffelspoort, in the North-West. The top schools who receive the highest points will dance it off for the overall winners – with some funds then being sponsored towards the trip.

“This is the second Grand Prix which Fusion has entered – in the first one they participated in a few years ago, they managed to qualify for Croatia, however, Covid-19 happened, so they could not go,” her mother Natasha Steyn said.

Fusion now qualified for Mauritius as a Discovery-based dance studio, under the leadership of Marlise Burger, and received the highest score in Gauteng placing them second on the scoreboard for the overall title.

It is the responsibility of each participant’s family to come up with the money for the overseas trip.

“We want them to go because they are really good, they also win most of their competitions, however as they are underaged, more costs are incurred as someone needs to travel with them,” Natasha said.

The dance school has different age categories and admits from ages two years to three years, which are classified into levels and Leandri’s team is at the highest level. They are about 12 and 13 years old and six in the group.

Leandri has specific dance routines she likes and said that some of her favourites include Hip-Hop, Contemporary, Fusion, Flow Arts, and shuffle.

Should anyone wish to help Leandri and her family further her passions, contact Natasha Steyn on 082 490 6218.

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