Florida North Bowls Club hosts annual celebration of ladies lawn bowls

Top hats and clowns aplenty as all embrace the 'circus' theme.

Come one, come all to a day of grace, poise and a little bit of craziness.

Florida North Bowls Club hosted its much-anticipated Ladies Day on June 1. Invitations were sent across the Johannesburg districts and 88 women took up the festive challenge of a weekday morning packed with fours action. The theme for the 2023 edition was big tops, trapeze, lion taming and everything associated with a grand evening at the circus.

The men manned the kitchen and the bar and spared no detail in waiting on their friends and partners. The fun was fuelled by a light breakfast before heading out to the always-manicured greens of the historic club. A delicious lunch capped off the day’s play with the winners on the greens being the foursome from Randfontien, Meisie Ball, Katrien Alberts, Nicky Botha and Vera Pretorius.

The day is about giving and Florida North Bowls Club arranged a host of prizes to spread the joy. As well as for the most touches and the overall winners, prizes were awarded to the best-dressed team. The competition was tight and the judges has trouble picking between The Ring Masters from Krugersdorp Bowls Club, a team from the host club and the bowls runners-up from Linden Bowls Club.

No tape measures were needed as Florida North’s Magician and The Clowns were beaten by Rose Tod, Jen Baartman, Maryanne More and Karen Rodrigues from Linden.

The winners, whose team name was Life is a Circus: Roll Up!, took the hampers home along with their decorated stovepipe top hats. Florida North President Johann Lourens was in great spirits, saying, “It is a special day we all look forward to. Thank you to all the women who participated, you make this day worthwhile.”

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