Connecting through Yoga

Yoga enthusiasts strengthen the community through yoga and socialising.

Due to the lockdown, many people became isolated, as they lived alone and worked from home, for this reason, many developed a sense of fear of going back out into the world once the lockdown restrictions were lifted.

Ordinary acts such as going to the gym became a source of anxiety.

Five yoga enthusiasts noticed these concerns among people and decided to start a non-profit organisation to combat people’s fear of socialising. Yoga Lovers Connect opened its doors at the beginning of 2022.

The event at Leafy Greens Café led by one of the organisers Ilonka den Heijer. Photo: Chanté Bolton.

According to Ann-Lene Olivier, the objective was ‘to bring hope and community to people, create a platform for interaction and empowerment!’

Once a month the charity holds a fundraiser, where the donations go to numerous charity organisations, along with connecting with other people while doing yoga.

The event’s poster. Photo: Supplied.

This month the event was held at Leafy Greens Café on February 25 and the organisers encouraged everyone to attend. They had a picnic and people stood a chance to win yoga goodies from the Chibyannlene draw.

Along with yoga, the organisation is also working on a project to get re-washable pads to girls who can’t afford to buy disposable pads and therefore miss a week of school every month.

“The cycle of a lacking education will keep these girls disempowered for generations to come – so for us, this is a very important project,” concluded Ann-Lene.

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