Local gymnasts jet off to Bulgaria for world champs

Jean Claude Roux will be competing in two items namely Euro Trampoline and Double mini trampoline under the age group 17-21 years.

Gymnasts from 24 Seven Trampoline & Gymnastics based in Witpoortjie have been selected to represent South Africa at the Trampoline World Age Group Championships in Bulgaria.

The team will be jetting off to Sofia in Bulgaria on Saturday, November 19 to compete in the championships.

Coach Luitha Roux will lead her charges who have worked so hard in the last couple of years and are a great team.

Jean Claude Roux will be competing in two items namely Euro Trampoline and double mini trampoline under the age group 17-21 years.

Jean-Pierre Roux will compete in the age group 13-14 years on the double mini trampoline while Rico Immelman will participate in the age group 15-16 years on the double mini trampoline.

An aerial showdown starring the world’s best in Trampoline Gymnastics begins on November 16 in Sofia, as Olympic stars and exciting new challengers from across the world gather in one place to discover who will become the new world champions in 15 different categories.

The championships will be followed, in the same arena, by the 29th FIG World Age Group Competitions November 23-26, a junior level elite competition that allows younger rising stars to gain experience on the international stage.

Coach Luitha is confident that her gymnasts will perform well as they get the opportunity of a lifetime performing some of the most daring acrobatics in gymnastics.


Gymnasts from 24 Seven Trampoline & Gymnastics based in Witpoortjie have been selected to represent South Africa at the Trampoline World Age Group Championships in Bulgaria.

The team will be jetting off to Sofia in Bulgaria on Saturday, November 19 to compete in the championships.

Coach Luitha Roux will lead her charges who have worked so hard in the last couple of years and are a great team.

Jean Claude Roux will be competing in two items namely Euro Trampoline and double mini trampoline under the age group 17-21 years.

Jean-Pierre Roux will compete in the age group 13-14 years on the double mini trampoline while Rico Immelman will participate in the age group 15-16 years on the double mini trampoline.

An aerial showdown starring the world’s best in Trampoline Gymnastics begins on November 16 in Sofia, as Olympic stars and exciting new challengers from across the world gather in one place to discover who will become the new world champions in 15 different categories.

The championships will be followed, in the same arena, by the 29th FIG World Age Group Competitions November 23-26, a junior level elite competition that allows younger rising stars to gain experience on the international stage.

Coach Luitha is confident that her gymnasts will perform well as they get the opportunity of a lifetime performing some of the most daring acrobatics in gymnastics.

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