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Samantha’s super savvy

FAIRLAND – After her Super 7 win, Samantha Muller is preparing for another national tournament in March.

Samantha Muller from Northcliff High School beat the best and went on to win her second Super 7 Tennis South Africa (TSA) Tournament in the Pretoria North region on 10 January.

Samantha Muller (16) won the recent TSA Pretoria North Super 7 Tournament, climbing her age group ranking.
Samantha Muller (16) won the recent TSA Pretoria North Super 7 Tournament, climbing her age group ranking.

The 16-year-old played a gruelling two-and-a-half hour semi-final match to win, allowing her to face the finals. She beat her opponent Bianca Koen and broke Koen’s 11-match winning streak over two tournaments. The U18 and women’s division player from Weltevreden Park played six hours of tennis in two days.

“The final match was really the highlight. I was calm when I went on to the court. I came in with an ‘I have nothing to loose’ attitude and tried my best to keep a cool head,” Muller said.

But what set Muller ahead was her noticing her opponent’s frustration and using it to her advantage. The final score was 7–6, 3–6 and 10–4 in the 10-point tiebreaker.

Muller’s coach at Kinetik Tennis Academy, Jean de Lange, said the player’s hard work, dedication and ability to get the basics right has resulted in her current success.

Samantha Muller trains at the Fairland Tennis Club.
Samantha Muller trains at the Fairland Tennis Club.

After her win, Muller is preparing for another Super 7 national in March in Bloemfontein.

She currently ranks 10th in the U18 and 24th in the women’s divisions. The ranking after her win has not yet been updated on the Tennis South Africa’s website, but she is hoping to reach 15th spot with her divisions combined.


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