
Where are the missing children?

Many parents of missing children have to continue with their daily lives without any answers as to where their children are or what happened to them.

This past Saturday a mother, grandmother, and friends were once again reminded about the loss of one of their own.

It was an emotional scene in Roodekrans where the Mentoor family came together at the last place the then three-year-old Lee Mentoor was seen six years ago. Although the person who last saw Lee has been arrested and sentenced for murder; no answers as to where Lee might be, have been provided.

This is not a unique, or even once-in-a-while kind of incident in our country; according to Missing Children South Africa, a child goes missing every five hours (the website also mentions that this number is according to the police’s statistics that were released in 2013, which was also the last time this information has been released). Another fact to think about is that only 77% of missing children are ever found.

• Also read: 6 years later and still no answers for Lee Mentoor’s family

I am sure that every one of us can mention at least one case of a missing child or children, with the most well-known one being the girls that were abducted by Gert van Rooyen and never found.

The latest case is that of six-year-old Joslin Smith, who disappeared without a trace, and, what makes this case more terrifying, is the fact that it seems her mother and her mother’s boyfriend are the main suspects.

I think the worst thing about these cases is that, as a mother, I cannot think how you must feel not knowing what happened to your child, where he or she is, or even if they are still alive. How are you, as a parent, supposed to carry on with your life?

The feeling of hopelessness and helplessness must be so overwhelming. The only thing I believe we can do for someone in this situation, is offer support, love, and an environment where they can feel safe and not judged. This week, take a moment, become still and say a prayer for all these parents who are still grieving and hoping for an answer.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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