
If you were president, what would you do?

South African citizens are gearing up for the national and provincial elections, hoping to make a mark for change.

Being in a leadership position is not always the easiest job. More often than not, decisions made by a leader will either be met by criticism or dissatisfaction, resulting in the person being in this position, not being very popular.

This is especially true in the case of being the President of a country. The country’s citizens have placed all their hope, dreams and trust in this person when they elected him or her as the country’s leader, to make the right decisions and ensure all needs are met and everyone is looked after.

With the national and provincial elections fast approaching, many conversations between friends and family around the braai or other events will at some stage be a discussion about the government, the president and what changes they (citizens) would like to see.

Some might want to see the corruption addressed and those guilty prosecuted, education shortfalls addressed, recovery of the economy, and a general effort to ensure the citizens’ needs are put first.

The Roodepoort Record/ Roodepoort Northsider, visited some of our local schools to ask the future generation what they would change if they were president of the country. Some answers from the youngest citizens (Grade RR, Grade R and Grade One) are cute. The Grade 12s however, gave everyone some food for thought with their views. (You can read more about this on p in this publication.)

What would you do if you were the president? Share your answers with us by sending an email to roodepoortrecord@caxton.co.za/ northside@caxton.co.za

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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