
Alternative ways to show some love on February 14

Valentine's Day does not necessarily have to be all about love, romance and romantic feelings.

Ah, the amount of chocolates, hearts, cute gifts, and roses in the shops can only mean one thing, it is almost Valentine’s Day!

I know that this day does not evoke the same feelings of excitement and pleasure for everyone. I must agree that, even though I am a hopeless romantic and love Valentine’s Day, the commercialisation of this day and all it entails, does leave one with a slightly bitter taste in the mouth. I mean, who wants to pay R300 for six red roses, if you can pick beautiful flowers in your own garden and give them to someone special?

Celebrating Valentine’s Day is everyone’s personal choice, and, even though I am a firm believer in showing that special someone in your life that you love and appreciate them every day of the year, I like to put in a little extra effort on this day, just because.

The good news is, Valentine’s Day does not have to be all about romance and romantic feelings. You can show love in so many different ways, and, seeing that February is also known as the month of love, you have plenty of opportunities to do Valentine’s Day differently this year.

Here are some alternative ways to celebrate:

• We all have a charity or cause that is close to our hearts, and this is the perfect opportunity to show them some love and make a donation or volunteer some of your time to help them out.

• February is also childhood cancer awareness month, so, put your money where your mouth is, and support their #Cupcakes4Hope initiative, by making a difference. For more information, visit their website cupcakesofhope.org (https://cupcakesofhope.org/get-involved/host-a-fundraiser/)

• Share the love by taking some sweet treats, flowers, and cards with a message of love and hope and visit your local old age home, children’s home, baby shelter, women’s shelter or hospital.

• Visit a local animal shelter or SPCA and volunteer your time to spend with some of the fur babies. You can be sure that you will also receive some love in return.

• Adopt a pet for a day and help a sick or homebound neighbour to take care of their pets for the day, by walking them, playing with them and just spending some quality time with them.

• Seeing that Valentine’s Day is all about love, why not get your heart pumping by taking part in a charity run, walk, or other fitness event raising money for a good cause?

These are only a few suggestions, and there are a myriad of other ways to celebrate the day, as well as the month of love. However you celebrate, may your day be filled with love, laughter and a lot of chocolates!

Until next week, stay safe, look out for each other and spread the love …

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