Slow down, smell the roses and rest!

'Let's slow down, turn off, reschedule and debate whenever we can. It's time to give our minds the quiet and the rest we need'

As the end of the year is quickly approaching, I have noticed that I am overcome with an overwhelming feeling of unexplained tiredness, accompanied by irritability and a very low tolerance level.

In search of an explanation for this, I found this very apt quote from Becoming Minimalist’s Facebook page, which read: Our brains were not designed for constant notifications, endless channels, multiple apps, 40 hour weeks (plus five social events), text messages, emails and WhatsApps. No wonder we feel overwhelmed, frazzled and on high alert.

After reading this, I realised that we are constantly trying to fill our idle moments with something to do, because we believe we are not allowed to be seen resting.

Look around you. Have you noticed that people do not sit on a bench anymore and just enjoy the beauty of nature? The same goes for spectators at a sport match, fans at a concert or even parents at a school event.

There is one thing that we all have in common; we are forever busy on our phones, scrolling through social media, reading emails, taking photos and videos (instead of just enjoying it with our five senses).

When we are at home, we are either on our phones, our computers or laptops, or we are just mindlessly staring at the television, not really watching or concentrating on the programme.

So, I am leaving you with a quote from Erica Layne, ‘Rest is not idle, not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing that you can do for body and soul’.

This week, I challenge you to take more time to be quiet and rest, while enjoying the beautiful things life has to offer.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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