Editor's noteLettersOpinion

Change starts with you

But, the simple truth is this: instead of asking yourself what the government, municipality, teachers, principal or your neighbours are going to do about the issue, you should rather ask, “What am I going to do?”

Humans are such a fascinating and complex species. We are blessed with the ability to adapt to any situation, and the mental capacity to solve almost any problem we are faced with, yet we have one big flaw; we do not know how to take responsibility for our own actions.

We do not like to be held accountable for what we do or say, and love to place the blame for almost everything squarely on someone else’s shoulders.

Litter on the sidewalk? Must be the beggars/ vagrants/ homeless folk in that area. Potholes, unkempt grass, and lawlessness on the roads? The municipality is not doing its part. Ill discipline in schools, children not behaving or results not up to standard? That must be because the teachers cannot control the children or do not care enough to teach them discipline. And the list can go on …

But, the simple truth is this: instead of asking yourself what the government, municipality, teachers, principal or your neighbours are going to do about the issue, you should rather ask, “What am I going to do?”

Yes, you read right, it all starts with you. Instead of complaining about it, rather do something. Long grass? Take your lawnmower or edge trimmer and cut it. Littered sidewalk? Pick it up and put it in a refuse bag. While you are at it, teach your children not throw their litter anywhere else but in the dustbin provided for it. And the most important one must be this; instead of expecting the teacher at the school to teach your beloved bundle of joy the difference between right and wrong, or to say please and thank you, make sure you do it, and send a well-mannered and respectful child into the world.

Yes, we are paying for most of these services and in essence, we can probably sit back and expect everyone else to do something. But, the reality is the exact opposite. So, stop being a couch critic and keyboard warrior, get off your behind, and do something.

And, before you know it, you would have inspired others to follow your example, which, in the long run, will bring about big changes.

I will leave you with this question: Will you be doing something to make a difference, or will you just be complaining about it?

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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