
We are just trying our best

'It is easy to judge someone else's life, but we are all just human trying our best.'

These past few weeks I have been finding it difficult to cope with everything life has been throwing my way, as we are hit by wave after wave after wave of bad news that is making my heart feel heavy with sadness.

To make matters worse, people are very quick to judge others; whether it is because of their choices, decisions, the way they live their life, or even something simple like which toothpaste they want to use. To be honest I am almost too scared to have an opinion (not to mention voicing it!) about anything, for fear of being judged.

There is a song by my favourite band, The Parlotones, that I love listening to, titled ‘Only human’, and (even though I am not a vocal talent), whenever I listen to this song, I sing along at the top of my lungs. Why? you may ask, and the answer is simple, because I can relate.

It is a simple truth that we are all just human beings, we make mistakes, not all our decisions are always the best and sometimes, we tend to hurt others. It is also a fact that we were all made differently, meaning we do not do things the same way, and yes, we have different opinions on matters, as it should be. I also firmly believe that everyone should be respected and accepted for their choices, decisions and opinions, and not be made fun of, judged or even humiliated because of it.

Maybe we should start being kinder, more tolerant and even more understanding of each other, and remember the following:
– We have all done unforgivable things
– We have all wanted to punch holes in a wall
– We have all made someone cry
– We have all let someone down
– We have all had a broken heart
– We have all told a lie
– We have all wanted to throw our life away
– We have all stayed up late overthinking
– We are all human and we are trying to do better today than we did yesterday

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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