
Keep it simple – life is complicated enough

If there is one thing Covid-19 has taught me, it is that life too short and we should not overcomplicate things.

Covid-19 entered our lives in March 2020 and for just more than a year, we have been impacted by the pandemic on a daily basis in one way or another, changing our way of living forever.

During the past year I have heard a lot about Covid-19 fatigue, and to be honest, I am one of the many experiencing this. Even though I realise it is a dangerous way to feel, I am not surprised that we are feeling this way. On a daily basis, we are bombarded with Covid-related news, ranging from daily statistics, deaths, hospitals being full, to the many challenges being experienced around the vaccines, the declining economy and corruption.

Add to that the stress of ensuring your own health and safety, work-related worries and the ever-growing financial burden, it is no wonder we are feeling fatigued, and struggling to cope.

We had to learn many things during this past year; we had to adapt to the new normal way of living, we had to adopt a new way of performing our work duties, as well as learn how to conduct our usual day-to-day tasks. The most important thing Covid-19 has taught me, is that life is too short and we should not overcomplicate things.

It is so easy for us to say we will do it tomorrow, I will talk to you later, or we will meet up next week but, the fact of the matter is, tomorrow is never guaranteed, and we should never leave something that can be done today for later.

We need to keep things simple. If you miss someone, call the person. If you want to meet up, invite them over. Explain yourself when you want to be understood, and don’t be afraid to ask if you have a question or do not understand something. If you don’t like something, say it. The same principle applies to the opposite – if you like it, say it. Never hesitate to ask for something you want and, maybe the most important one, if you love someone, say it.

Remember, people are not mind-readers, and if you do not tell them what you are thinking, they will not know. You cannot expect someone to know what you are feeling or thinking if you do not express it.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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