A year filled with ups and downs

Truth be told, this year has not been one of the greatest, but, it will definitely go down as one of the most memorable, for a myriad of reasons.

I cannot believe that it is already the last month of this year, and we are literally counting down the days towards the new year.

When I hear ‘2020’, it stirs up a lot of mixed emotions within me, and, even though I can think of quite a few words to describe this year, I can assure you that none of them should be uttered in decent company. Truth be told, this year has not been one of the greatest, but, it will definitely go down as one of the most memorable for a myriad of reasons.

This year pretty much started off in the same way the previous year ended, with a lot of things with the potential to make this a great year. And then the proverbial paw paw hit the fan, and our lives changed forever in March. We had to adapt to survive many ups and downs, balancing working from home, supporting children who had to suddenly home-school, learning new technology (think Zoom) and staying sane and healthy. But, we managed to survive one of the most mentally challenging times of our lives.

To be honest, I am not going to go into specifics or details, I do not want to rehash this year, or remind all of you of how rough it has been (as I am sure you are painfully aware of this). I am, for the first time in years, all out of words, and have nothing more to share with you all.

My wish for each and everyone this year is that you will remember the following, “Christmas is about so much more than festive decor and gifts under the tree – it’s about celebrating family, friends, and everything else that brings you joy. And the most important is, it’s not about presents, but presence.”

Whether you are travelling this holiday, or are staying at home, make sure you do so responsibly, wear your mask, sanitize and social-distance. Where possible, spend time with friends and family, make new memories as you go along, and don’t sweat the small stuff; eat the extra piece of cake, have some more pudding and indulge in those luxury chocolates!

From my family to yours, may you have a blessed Christmas and may your 2021 be a year filled with 365 opportunities to ensure your goals are reached and dreams are realised.

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