
What will ‘normal’ be like for us?

We must take the bull by the horns and face the challenge head-on, so that we will be known, not just as history-makers, but survivors.

With the global Covid-19 pandemic continuing to impact our daily lives as it progresses on its path of devastation, our future has been divided into levels, with fear, anger and uncertainty being the main emotions we experience.

After the announcement that the whole country will be moving to Level 3 of lockdown, we are all waiting in anticipation to see what exactly this will entail.

People are arguing that this move is too soon, the government is basically signing our death certificates, the virus has not reached its peak yet, and much more. But, if we are honest with ourselves, we must have realised by now that this virus is not going anywhere soon, and might be with us for at least another year, or maybe two, meaning we must learn how to coexist with it.

The price we have paid because of the lockdown is very high; not only have we lost our freedom of movement and choice, a lot of people lost a part of their salaries or their jobs, small business owners had to close their doors, and some people have not been able to put food on their tables as they are not allowed to work. Some will only be allowed back in business by Level 1.

By now we all know that we should be washing our hands with soap and water on a regular basis, sanitize where possible, not touch our faces, and wear a mask when going out. We cannot put our lives on hold indefinitely and, as they say, the show must go on.

Now is the time for citizens to stand up, be brave and show that we can be trusted with our own, as well as our fellow citizens’ lives. And, even though we are scared and uncertain about the future, we must man up, face those fears and conquer them. Yes, we are being affected by a global pandemic, and things will probably never return to the normal we know, but we will have to learn to live with the new normal and make the best of it.

We must take the bull by the horns and face the challenge head-on, so that we will be known, not just as history-makers, but survivors.

We should use this opportunity to show our children how to be brave, help them through the challenges they are facing and, instead of filling their heads and hearts with fear, we should encourage them to venture into the unknown and conquer it.

Let us face our fears and uncertainty with brave hearts and open minds, ready to take charge of our future, as it is now in our own hands.

Until next week, stay safe and look out for each other …

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