
Let’s kick 2018s butt

As we kick 2018 in the butt, my wish to you is to keep being tenacious survivors

2018 – what a year.

But I honestly cannot say if it was better or worse than last year. It was just another year filled with fluctuating emotions that ranged between anger, happiness, sorrow, heart-wrenching to oh-what-the-hell.

It was the year when polony tried to kill us, filled with political unrest (this hasn’t changed much over the years), protests, followed by more protest, burning tyres, buildings and buses, and fond memories of years gone by.

I predict, if I am allowed to predict and no, I am not a psychic or calling up any dark spirits, but I am predicting that next year won’t be any different. Not very positive I know, but then again, we, South Africans, have learned to be tenacious survivors of whatever is thrown our way. We learn to (eventually) laugh and joke about very serious topics because this is how we survive.

So, as we kick 2018 in the butt, my wish to you is to keep being tenacious survivors. Never lose your sense of humour; that is, after all, how we survive.

Continue to fight for your family and friends and through all the turmoil, continue to laugh and be happy.

This is the last edition of the Record/ Northsider for this year. We are all looking forward to a well-deserved break, albeit only a few days, but it should be enough to recharge our batteries.

Until next year, please stay safe, don’t drink and drive, and share as much love as you can with everybody, especially your furry friends.

And please, please, don’t indulge in the night air displays that frighten your animals into oblivion.

Until next year, take care of one another.

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