
Your pets need some spa treatment too

Averille from Discovery writes:

Winter has arrived and if you think that a jersey or a jacket is enough to keep your pets warm, think again.

Your pets need clean coats as well, because clean hair allows air to circulate through their coats and stimulates blood flow which warms them in winter and cools them in summer.

Jackets and jerseys can cause their fur to tangle and mat. Shedding fur is a good way to stay mat-free. If your pets are clean and regularly brushed, they will look good and smell nice. They should not be shaved in winter though, but you can cut out knots when necessary.

Short-haired dogs need to be groomed regularly due to the amount of shedding during season changes. They also develop a greasy residue which builds up on the skin and causes an itchy reaction.

Sometimes professional help is needed to keep their paws free of hair between the toes and pads and also to clip unduly long claws. Long claws can hamper your pet’s ability to walk properly, and ingrown claws are really painful.

Their ears need to be cleaned regularly too.

Keeping them clean and powdered by professional doggy parlours that use warm water will make them feel more comfortable.

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