Motorists are still not stopping

Frequent Visitor from Witpoortjie writes:

And here I write again! I was horrified during the week to come to a 4-way stop on Generaal Pienaar Avenue, and see a woman in a white 4 x 4 arguing with the cyclist she had just knocked over. She was smiling at him like a Cheshire cat who got the cream, all because she failed to stop at the 4-way stop as the South African Road Traffic Act prescribes!

I speedily asked the ward councillor if the JMPD could be stationed at this 4-way stop, as this is not the first cyclist to be knocked down at this intersection. It will not be the last. The next cyclist could well be killed. That is not my only gripe with this intersection, no one ever stops!

So here is the question, can we have a traffic light at this intersection? The JMPD obviously prefers their coffee corner just slightly further up!

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