Your assistance is much appreciated

Paul Geldmacher from Roodepoort writes:

I would like to thank, in particular, the woman who so kindly assisted me at the Traffic Department in the Roodepoort City Hall today.

As an 80-year old senior citizen, I entered the building to find scores of people practically falling out at the doorway. The woman that I’m thanking was ushering what I later found out to be about 30 people that had come to renew their driver’s licences. When I said that I had come to renew my licence, she allocated No. 31 to me.

However, when I made it clear that it was actually my car licence I needed to renew, she ushered me along the passage to the office where vehicle licence renewals are done. There were two people waiting in the queue. I had only my expired licence document with me, expecting, as in the past, that I would have to obtain an application form.

Next she asked me whether I had the necessary application form as well as a copy of my ID and proof of my residence, none of which I had. So she directed me to the correct office where I was able to obtain the necessary documents. This done, she came back to the waiting room to which I had meanwhile returned to await my turn, bringing the application form with her.

She then most efficiently completed this form for me and, seeing that there was no one being attended to in the office, handed all the documents over to the clerk on duty. I got prompt and courteous service here as well, and a few minutes after making payment with my credit card, I was handed my licence disc – and all was over and done within the shortest time.

This was such a pleasant experience as opposed to what used to happen in the past. I recall having to queue up for the application form. Once completed I had to queue again to have it attended to. I then had to join another queue for the teller and once paid I could eventually collect my licence disc at yet another window, against the cashier’s receipt. If I remember correctly, payment had to be in cash so that If one had insufficient available one had to go off and draw the necessary shortfall.

Once again, thank you, good ladies for assisting me so well. It was really refreshing that all was handled so efficiently.

Kind regards,

Paul Geldmacher

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