The answers to your questions

Louise from Honeydew writes:

Question 1: In answer to a letter in the recent Northsider …

Regardless of whether you live in Gauteng or the Eastern Cape, society reckons that once you reach your “sell by date” (whether it be 60 or 65 years of age) your brain ceases to function, so regardless of many years of experience, this is goodbye time. Why?

It would be nice if one could be given the option of staying on until you feel that you are not coping with the job and then say, “I want to retire now”.

Question 2: Why do the post offices in our area not have stamps? One is given a sticky piece of paper that says “local” or “international”. I was told once that everyone has email and I was the only one who posted cards or letters. In my opinion, emailed birthday cards are so impersonal (but cheaper). So, old-fashioned me will continue to stand in a 20-minute queue to get sticky pieces of paper to send paper cards to family members or friends.

Alas! The post office is still in a “don’t rush to deliver” mode and a card from the UK took two months to arrive. A suggestion to my UK friend is that he uses the services of a carrier pigeon in future!!

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