
Letter to editor

Dave from Witpoortjie writes:

I refer to the Roodepoort Record’s article of 19 January regarding “Demand for fuel price drop”. What is “explained” to the public is the price of oil on the international market in dollars, but Sasol does not use oil. It uses South African coal, mined by South Africans and produces fuel by South Africans from coal that will be available in South Africa for the next 500 years! All in Rands.

Sasol then prices its fuel based on oil-using international prices and makes millions in profits every time the oil price goes up.

Come on EFF, come on Cosatu, come on DA, come on Taxi Association, demand that our South African Sasol fuel be priced in Rands in South Africa.

Be proud and “Buy South African”. The ANC is not going to do anything about it, they’ve already had 22 years to do something. Sasol petrol should be half the price.

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