
Is this what you teach your learners?

Johan van Dyk from Horizon View writes

Being a resident near West Ridge High School, I have witnessed over the years how the school is deteriorating. There are no real repercussions for the parents or children who do these deeds, but children affected by this go home in fear.

Through the years I have seen how the school allows the children to drink and smoke outside their premises after school has ended for the day. When the community addressed this issue with the school, they simply replied that it happened outside the school premises and they can’t or won’t do anything. What about the school’s image?

What led me to write this letter to you today is that some learners are running around on the school premises throwing fire crackers – which by the way is against the law. This has been carrying on all week without any action from West Ridge whatsoever, not even an apology to your neighbours.

Let me tell you, when I saw the teacher standing on the balcony, and if I am not mistaken, laughing about the actions of these learners while my dog is fear-stricken, I became infuriated.

Could you [West Ridge High School] please let me, your neighbours and the greater public know what are your school’s core values, and what are you planning to teach these children going forward?

I really hope for the sake of our community that either you [West Ridge High School] or one of the parties named in this mail step up and do something. This is the future of our country you are messing with. I urge you to take this seriously.>

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