Fire Department is useless

Nuraan from Florida Hills writes:

I stay in Florida Hills [where people] often make veld fires that come very close to my house.

On two occasions in the last year, [there have been such fires]. The first time the fire came straight into my yard and was heading towards my house. I called the emergency services and so did Apcan Security and they [the Fire Department] did not arrive at all, we had to use our hose pipe and kill the fire ourselves.

A few weeks ago the same thing happened and again I called the Florida Fire Station. After about 30 minutes they sent out a man on foot with a rubber item to hit the fire out. That man stood and watched the fire come straight for my house as he was not able to assist and there was no fire engine either. Once again we were lucky and managed to hose the fire out before it hit my fence [and spread] into my yard.

I feel that the Florida Fire Department has no interest at all. That could have been my house in flames.

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