A new way of thinking is needed

'I am willing to assist in the task of rebuilding our communities before they become run-down slums.'

Concerned resident of Florida writes:

I am concerned about the state of affairs in our neighbourhood Florida, I believe it is ward 70, under the councillor Caleb Finn. He is the newly elected ward representative whom I hope all residents of the area will support. I have been thinking as to how I could get involved as an ordinary citizen, and have tried to get councillor Finn’s details to offer help, as I am not aware of other means to go about it.

I stay not far from the lake, which is further deteriorating and not a spark it used to be, I hear. The state of that neighbourhood needs serious help just as with all others, and yes Florida CBD.

But my grave concern is what one sees on Hull Street, at Killarny Hotel and Holborn House to be exact. Every night (Monday to Sunday) there are people loitering and selling drugs in full view. This is the norm. I learned from one girl child who stays in the flat that she is only staying there because of her family but if she could, she would leave due to people breathing air infested with drugs – basically you smell drugs all around.

It pains to see police vans stopping there, communicating with the people selling [drugs]. You can see they have a cordial relationship. We seriously need help. That whole area around the Florida train station is drugland – men standing out all night waiting for their clients, young and old, talking at the top of their voices, drinking beer in full view of everyone. I thought drinking in public was against the law.

I can write pages and pages of the filth that happens in that area and the lake precinct. I do not expect miracles, but I am willing to assist in the task of rebuilding our communities before they become run-down slums. I understand that it is not a ward councillor’s responsibility to resolve issues, but rather to represent his or her ward’s interests in local government. A new way of thinking is needed. Maybe create a forum of some sort and deal directly with this problem?

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