We are being double billed

Arthur from Fourways writes:

We are being double-billed. Or more accurately we have been asked to pay a second full-month statement nine days after the previous one, and about three weeks earlier than what would usually have been the “due date’.

Only the water amounts are partial, the property rates and Pikitup figures are both for the full month. The January statement was dated 23 January, with due date 13 February. That’s usual. But the February invoice was dated 7 February, with due date 22 February. That’s not usual.

No amount of emails (and the attempted assistance of The Star’s consumer forum) will fix this. The only response (three times now) is to send a copy and paste of the press release that says that the second invoice is partial. For us, not true!

Tomorrow I am going to grit my teeth and try the Call Centre. Without any hope of success though. Yesterday I paid the February statement, albeit five days late, because the credit card I use is now into its next month. And I am flying overseas on Friday and away for over two weeks. But I expect to now be charged interest. Illegally. The payment yesterday was about two weeks early!

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