
Die DBV se reëls maak nie sin nie

Christa van Rooyen van Roodepoort skryf:

Ek het op Roodepoort DBV se Facebook-blad twee Pinschers gesien wat ‘n huis nodig het. Ek is soontoe om aansoek te doen vir aanneming.

My vorms is voltooi en op die vorm het ek gemeld dat ek altyd hul veearts gebruik. Ek is ingelig dat diere wat by hulle aangeneem word, nie gebruik mag maak van hul veearts nie. Ek het sommer dadelik geantwoord dat dit nie sin maak nie en dat ek nie saamstem nie.

Ek is na ‘n ander kantoor gestuur waar ek my R100 vir die inspeksie van my eiendom moes betaal. Toe ek terugkeer met bewys van betaling is ek ingelig dat my aansoek afgekeur is omdat ek nie ingestem het tot ‘n privaat veearts nie.

My R100-betaling is teruggeskryf en ek is baie teleurgesteld huis toe. Ek kan met ander woorde twee honde by ‘n dierewinkel of privaat koop en van hul veearts gebruik maak. Ek mag net nie aanneem nie. Hulle leuse is Don’t shop, Adopt!, maar sodra die DBV ondersteun is met ‘n aanneming is hul verhouding met jou en dierekind verby.

Ek verstaan dit glad nie. En sien nie liefde en passie vir dit wat hulle doen nie. Twee pragtige honde sou ‘n warm, liefdevolle huis gehad het. Te danke aan hul onverstaanbare reëls, bly dierekinders in koue hokke om uitgesit te word.

Sies DBV, sies!

Mandy Cattanach van die DBV reageer (in Engels):

An animals welfare hospital ( SPCA) can only assist pet owners who qualify under the almoning system and animals from indigent areas. They do not have the finances and resources to operate as a private practice.

Adopting a pet is a life-long commitment and the new adoptee must be able to financially care for their pet. It is the SPCA’s responsibility to ensure the family can provide the love, attention and care animals require. It would be irresponsible of the SPCA to adopt a pet into a family who cannot afford to provide for all the pets’ needs.

An applicant who makes use of an animals welfare hospital for their pets will not be approved to adopt a pet from the Roodepoort SPCA for the following reasons:

A pet can become sick or is injured after hours and must be treated immediately. An animal welfare hospital is not available 24 hours a day.

An animal welfare hospital is not government funded and resources are limited. Financial strain may lead to the closure of the SPCA (as with Krugersdorp SPCA). What will happen to the pet if the owners can not afford a private veterinarian?

The owners may relocate to an area where there is no animal welfare hospital. What will happen to the pet?

It is an owner’s responsibility to ensure their pets receive the best care possible.

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