RDP houses a death trap

Comrade Raphael Ikechukwu Ogbuagu from Durban Deep writes:

It is becoming more and more deadly living in the RDP housing area as the rate of criminal activities and attacks on human lives is becoming unbearable.

On Saturday 10 September, a Nigerian was gunned down and killed in the RDP housing area. In the past three months or so many people have lost their lives in that area, many have been wounded and many have been robbed. It seems the police presence in the area is not enough, hence I am appealing to the station commander at Roodepoort Police and his team to send more troops and police presence to that area before more deaths occur.

Since the demolition [of homes] and removal of people from Durban Deep, the already high rate of criminal activities has risen to 100 per cent and I believe it calls for great concern. I am also appealing to the public to be mindful of the way they walk in that area, mainly when it is after six in the evening and very early in the morning.

Innocent lives cannot be wasted unnecessarily. Thanks as this message is passed across.

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