Thank you for your support

Councillor Suzanne Clarke writes:

Another election has come and gone, and with it a lot of challenges which were overcome by continuous support from community, friends and families. The DA made a huge impact, winning 10 544 (88 per cent) of the votes in Ward 83 (Breaunanda Ext, Helderkruin, Princess Crossing, Roodekrans and Wilropark). The community showed their support and placed their trust in the Democratic Alliance by braving the cold and travelling to the voting stations to cast their votes.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the community for electing me and putting their trust in me for the next 5 years. I am humbled and honoured. Thank you for braving the cold weather, long queues and (in some areas) incompetent IEC staff. Once again I would like to assure the residents of my continuous support, and availability to help with problems and improving service delivery in the area.

I would like to thank the following people and institutions for their assistance and support: the Wilropark Pick n Pay chef, who so kindly provided some doughnuts to the residents standing in long queues at Laerskool Helderkruin; my team members for assisting the residents on the voting day – they helped with transport, and without their support and assistance the queues would have been a nightmare; the NG Kerk Roodekrans, Laerskool Roodekrans, the Westrand Lutheran Church, Klein Helderkruin and Laerskool Helderkruin for providing the venues for the elections; the members of the South African Police who ensured a conflict-free environment at the voting stations; the JMPD; and the security companies, the Roodekrans Neighborhood Watch and the Helderkloof Patrollers who tirelessly drove around the area. We appreciate everything you did.

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