
He must take full responsibility

Rusty van Druten from Discovery writes:

You have for two weeks in succession reported on the ANC candidate who placed many of his adverts for the local elections on electricity sub-stations in his constituency.

Then you had him in full picture the next week removing some posters and apologising for his actions.

Let me say here that all along Honeyball Avenue, which is a major commuting through road, these posters remain in place and its now almost two weeks since the election. There are five of his posters on the sub-station at the junction of Melville and Honeyball Avenues alone.

I challenge you to reflect this reality to illustrate just how apologetic he really was when he appeared in your newspaper.

You need to ask him who will be carrying the costs of any damage to the paintwork, which was completed very recently, as a very strong adhesive was used when placing the posters. As a ratepayer, I expect this man to remain fully responsible for his actions, or those of his workers, and to make reparations for the illegal act.

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