Protect those without a voice

Peter Wood from Wilro Park writes:

It is a distressing fact that cruelty to animals worldwide, is increasing at an alarming rate.

From the “Saddest Mall Zoo” in China, where animals (Including a polar bear) are kept in tiny concrete enclosures, to the Cape flats, where last week, a group of schoolchildren tortured and killed a small dog; incidents of animal cruelty are becoming more sadistic and abhorrent.

Then there are the recent cases in our own backyard, which hardly ever receive national news media attention. Abuse cases are also woefully under-reported, causing inaccuracies in statistical data. Abusers of animals are sick, cowardly people who are generally failures in society.

Animals bring so much joy into the lives of many people, and they have been proven to have a healing and calming effect on children suffering from a wide range of disabilities, including autism. Animals cannot speak for themselves, so if you witness or hear of cases of abuse, please report them immediately.

I will even be prepared to take up the case on your behalf if you are fearful of retaliation. Owning a pet is a great responsibility, but brings many rewards. Please protect and care for those who have no voice.

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