Be grateful for what you have

Disgusted Resident from Roodepoort writes: The residents at Have a Heart Care Centre should be grateful for everything Marius Oelofse has done for them to date as well as all the donations they have received from people who do not even know them. He used the Roodepoort Record to plead for donations which the citizens …

Disgusted Resident from Roodepoort writes:

The residents at Have a Heart Care Centre should be grateful for everything Marius Oelofse has done for them to date as well as all the donations they have received from people who do not even know them.

He used the Roodepoort Record to plead for donations which the citizens of our awesome city responded to with open arms.

How much do they pay to live at this centre?

How can they expect meat and vegetables on a daily basis? (I who am employed cannot afford it)

Then there’s their board and lodging which entails a furnished room and water and electricity. These services are definitely not cheap.

Then there’s the salary of the staff that cook and clean the centre for them.

With all these complaints from the ungrateful residents as well as theft and misappropriation of the Centre’s assets causes us residents to refrain from giving to them.

We work hard for our money and many of us are also struggling to survive from month to month but felt compassion for them and gave what we had.

Do those ungrateful residents want us to ignore Marius Oelofse’s future pleas for assistance with food, fixing the lift, a kombi to transport them to a clinic/ shopping centre etc, blankets, heaters – whatever their demands are?

Be grateful for what you have.

There are many living on the streets that would gladly swop places with you.

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