
Barking up the right tree

Anti-barking from Roodepoort writes: What is it that people do not understand about getting a complaint that their dog or dogs are barking? If someone complains then it means your dog is causing noise pollution. Some people may suffer in silence, some may try a friendly approach to sort out the problem and others may …

Anti-barking from Roodepoort writes:

What is it that people do not understand about getting a complaint that their dog or dogs are barking?

If someone complains then it means your dog is causing noise pollution. Some people may suffer in silence, some may try a friendly approach to sort out the problem and others may be so stressed by this noise that they are not so friendly and they may even threaten you.

The barking might have robbed them of their sleep or it might irritate them daily for whichever reason/s they may have. The point is the barking negatively affects the quality of your neighbour’s life. Does it occur to the owner that the dog or dogs may be barking non-stop while alone at home?

The bottom line is if your dog is disturbing someone then you should pay attention and take responsibility. And if you have to keep your dog/s inside the house to create a quiet environment, then so be it.

The barking dog is not at fault at all – it is the owner’s fault entirely. But then the sort of owner, who allows a dog to bark at nothing and everything without a thought for those at the receiving end of the noise, is less intelligent than the dog. And usually that sort of person will do nothing about the noise problem.

By the way, I like dogs. It is the owners of noisy dogs that I have a problem with and I know that I am not the only one.

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