They should close doors for good

Chantel from Roodepoort writes: I truly appreciate your article in the Roodepoort Record. I have had my own sad experiences regarding the Roodepoort Pet and Bird Farm. I made my first visit there in December 2015, but walked out there more horrified and sad than anything else. I went to the bird side to have …

Chantel from Roodepoort writes:

I truly appreciate your article in the Roodepoort Record.

I have had my own sad experiences regarding the Roodepoort Pet and Bird Farm. I made my first visit there in December 2015, but walked out there more horrified and sad than anything else.

I went to the bird side to have a look at the baby birds and saw the most heart wrenching thing ever…

There was a African Grey about 12 weeks old without feet. As an animal lover a immediately questioned this bird’s condition and the manager explained that the poor baby’s feet was bitten off by the mother at birth. Now anyone knows that if a baby bird is in such a weak state it is better for the bird to be put down, but Roodepoort Pet and Bird farm was more eager about the money opportunity than the bird’s well being.

I asked how much they want for him and they said R1 800 which was simply ridiculous for a African Grey in such a state.

I then asked him what would happen if the bird didn’t get sold and he said that they would put him down as no one in their right mind will breed with a bird in such state.

I went home worrying myself sick about this bird. The next day I went back and saw that the poor bird was in a cage without any flat and even floor. The bird couldn’t walk at all! I asked if I may take the bird out and saw that he was very weak and couldn’t even stand.

That was enough… I walked into the ‘Big Boss’s’ office to find out if maybe he could work out a better price for me and he said “No” without even giving me a chance to speak. So I left again with my heart heavier than the day before.

Two days later I paid another visit more determined than ever – I was going to negotiate for a price I could afford.

I spoke to the manager and he said he will speak to his boss. I went to have a look at the bird while waiting for the manager’s feedback (bird was much weaker, on the verge of dying). A few minutes later he sais that I could have him for R1 300 and I immediately without hesitation took the bird with me.

Today he is healthy with the most beautiful personality and walks and runs faster than any normal bird (with feet) I know.

Pet and Bird farm is the most disturbing place to go! I will never in my life support them. So sad to see such beautiful animals in such harsh conditions. Pet and Bird farm is no loving home, it is a harsh slow death!

I hope all the animals will be placed in better care and thank you for trying to make a difference. I will do anything to see Pet and Bird farm’s doors close for good.

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