No one cares about us

Anonymous from Roodepoort writes: I share the same sentiments with Chris Steward from Georginia,that the Municipality has failed ratepaters. 1. Infrastructure is ageing and no one cares. All these politicians say is that “We are moving forward”. 2. Streets in Florida are still the streets built by National Party government. This government has done nothing …

Anonymous from Roodepoort writes:

I share the same sentiments with Chris Steward from Georginia,that the Municipality has failed ratepaters.

1. Infrastructure is ageing and no one cares. All these politicians say is that “We are moving forward”.

2. Streets in Florida are still the streets built by National Party government. This government has done nothing for the people who are paying rates but worries about ensuring that Soweto has power always. Sad thing is that they don’t even pay rates or even for electricity. Joburg Water is owed more than 100 million rands by people of Soweto. If it was someone from Florida water would have been cut long time ago.

3. I feel this is reversing apartheid. This is racial discrimination. People of Cosmo City don’t pay for sanitation, ask yourself why? The simple answer is that they want votes from them

4. Incompetent staff is not held accountable for their actions. The call centre is nightmare. You hold for 30 minutes and when you finally speak to someone the call is cut.Ask yourself why?

5. The experienced people are sidelined to accommodate “comrades”. Are we moving forward, the answer is no. The very same comrades are paid high salaries with no qualifications all they know is to sing and dance and be dishing out yellow T-shirts and food parcels.

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