
Jozi@Work commendable, but ….

Howard Gibson from Roodepoort writes: We read with great amusement the article Jozi@Work, Roodepoort Record 22 April. The entrepreneurs gathered at Discovery Recreation Centre for the launch of the various packages. The initiative is commendable and we wish them well. Sadly though, the centre itself has now deteriorated to the point where the lights in …

Howard Gibson from Roodepoort writes:

We read with great amusement the article Jozi@Work, Roodepoort Record 22 April.

The entrepreneurs gathered at Discovery Recreation Centre for the launch of the various packages. The initiative is commendable and we wish them well. Sadly though, the centre itself has now deteriorated to the point where the lights in the semi-circle have been out of order for months. There are regular activities being offered at night and 24 hours security is provided. Three street lights in Anstruther Street have been out of order since 21 January and recently also two street lights in Struben Avenue. This leaves us, the Recreation Centre, the public using the centre on week nights and weekends and the security officer in total darkness.

We have reported the issue to City Power and the staff at the Recreational Centre. Numerous queries to City Power have fallen on deaf ears and while the staff at the centre assured us that they had escalated the problem of the semi-circle lights, no action has as yet taken place. There is also a water leak on the pavement of the Recreation Centre which has been reported to Joburg Water by us and the staff at the Centre.

We would really appreciate some attention to the above mentioned problems but are at a loss of where to seek assistance next.

Thank you for your involvement in our community and the excellent paper which we receive regularly every Thursday.

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