
Home owners are held at ransom

Disgruntled senior citizen of City (Shitty) of Joburg writes: The Joburg city council and their service providers have the home owners of the City of Joburg at ransom. Their annual feud with especially Pikitup is costing the public millions. For days on end no refuse gets removed from close on a million households through out …

Disgruntled senior citizen of City (Shitty) of Joburg writes:

The Joburg city council and their service providers have the home owners of the City of Joburg at ransom.

Their annual feud with especially Pikitup is costing the public millions. For days on end no refuse gets removed from close on a million households through out the City of Joburg.

The owners pay up for services not rendered. Who grabs that money? Every year between six and eight weeks the public is charged an amount for services we did not receive.

The account says, depending on the value of the property, we are charged about R160 per household per month. Six to eight weeks are close enough to two months per year. Multiply 2 x R160 gives you R320 easy enough to work out. Times that with close on a million households and you get about R320 000 000. A nice fat amount.

Who of us can say that we have ever received a rebate from the City of Joburg? People this is a real rip off and its been going on for years now. Are some one up there in the City of joburg organizing this nonsense? The cost implication does not stop there. For we can not cope with the pile up of rubbish and we start driving away our own rubbish. Others drive down an empty road and just empty their bins on the pavement damaging the environment. The cost implications are much higher to the citizens of Joburg in the end. We just bear and grunt and go with the flow. The health risks to all of this is even higher. We are fighting mice and rats on a daily basis. The Bubonic plague was caused by lice on rats and mice. Wake up City (shitty) council of joburg. You are not only robbing us blind but killing us softly with all of this nonsense.

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