Dog abuse is sickening

Most aggrieved reader from Roodepoort writes: If you were hoping to get any reaction to your article, now you have it! It was absolutely sickening to read of the terrible abuse to an innocent helpless animal probably tied up and without food, wholly dependent on its master! I wept with rage. What is incomprehensible is …

Most aggrieved reader from Roodepoort writes:

If you were hoping to get any reaction to your article, now you have it!

It was absolutely sickening to read of the terrible abuse to an innocent helpless animal probably tied up and without food, wholly dependent on its master! I wept with rage.

What is incomprehensible is the fact that this abuse has continued since 2014 and that nothing was done to remove the dog there and then! Cautioning owners of that caliber is senseless as they are immune to compassion.

The animal/s should be removed at once from circumstances such as this one. I feel people are far too hesitant to take any action until it is too late. How can anyone live next door to such a monster and not try to get in touch with animal sanctuaries to take the animal away or even confronting the man?

There should be no delay for such a case as this one to be brought to court but that either the the SPCA or any other organisation against cruelty to animals should have carte blanche to act immediately with the co-operation of the police without having to wait for a court order.

What is wrong with the public? Are they afraid of consequences or threats to themselves? Will they now sleep easily because there is no longer the howlings of a suffering dog next door?

This is a time when one feels like taking the law into one’s own hands. It is a pitiful situation and could well have been avoided in the first instance when the crying/howling of the dog was first heard.

At least you are out of pain, misery and hunger dear one. Rest sweetly gentle animal.

May this monster be given the toughest sentence without bail and under no circumstances ever be allowed to keep pets of any kind whatsoever. He is in obvious need of psychiatric treatment and deserves the harshest punishment that can be meted out.

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