
Hero family rescues neighbour

Carmen Lategan from Roodepoort writes: Firstly we thank the Record for placing the story in the paper for all south Africans to see there is really people out there that would put their own lives at risk for others. The house that burned down was mine, not only did we lose our whole life but …

Carmen Lategan from Roodepoort writes:

Firstly we thank the Record for placing the story in the paper for all south Africans to see there is really people out there that would put their own lives at risk for others.

The house that burned down was mine, not only did we lose our whole life but our children (animals) died in that fire.

We were not at home when the fire started, according to the fire marshall the fire started in the kitchen due to a short circuit on the electricity. By the time the tenant in the parkhome heard screaming Mr. William Marshall had already saved my mother whom was living in the front apartment.

On the same day of the house fire, we went across the road to show our utmost gratitude to the hero who saved my mother’s life. We met the Marshall family ( William, Leonie and their son). We thank them so much for saving our mom and my child Shakira.

We did not know the neighbours as we have only been there 1 year and 2 months, we know them from waving when we see them.

When our mom came out of hospital a week later we took her to the house on a Saturday to show her what it all looks like and as we were standing outside Mr. Marshall and his wife were pulling out of their driveway, they stopped and got out the vehicle, My mother and Mr. Willam Marshall had a conversation ending in a big hug and a thank you for saving my life.

The Marshall family are not just heroes but they were guardian angels that morning. They will always be remembered.

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