Terrible service at Roodepoort Clinic

Natalia from Roodepoort West writes: I am a coloured mother who is currently unemployed due to medical reasons. My family and I cannot afford medical aid so we make use of the government clinics and hospitals. Usually we make our way to Discoverers Clinic and are happy with the service and medical assistance provided. Most …

Natalia from Roodepoort West writes:

I am a coloured mother who is currently unemployed due to medical reasons.

My family and I cannot afford medical aid so we make use of the government clinics and hospitals. Usually we make our way to Discoverers Clinic and are happy with the service and medical assistance provided. Most of the time, when we are ill we walk to the closest clinic which is a 10 minute walk away.

The Clinic, Rex street in Roodepoort Clinic is where we have been experiencing atrocious behaviour by some of the staff. The first couple of times we have been there the service was “normal” according to government standards. This means the wait is as long as about five hours and sometimes there is a shortage of medication.

One Friday I had a personal female condition that I needed medication for, so I went there. When I first arrived I did what is usually done and approached the reception area to give my identity book and retrieve my file. Then we waited and sat in line to do blood pressure. Afterwards they send you to other building or you wait in line again to see a nurse(consult). I did this and the lady at the desk who had no no name tag on looked at me and asked what I wanted.

I gave her my Identity Document (ID) and said I needed to see a doctor or a nurse. She clicked her tongue and in a reprimanding tone demanded I tell her why I was there and what my condition was. I was adamant as the hall was full of people. She said I would not get help until I told her. I said that I have a right to confidentiality and that I didn’t want everyone to know. She clicked her tongue again and refused to assist. I walked away and I said loud that she is so rude.

Another person Mr. Jabulani Binda came after me and explained that they were busy with pregnant woman that day and that I can’t walk in acting high and mighty wanting to jump the line. I told him it wasn’t my intention, I just wanted to see a nurse or doctor like everyone else. They refused to give me my file, I was there for about four hours before someone saw me to take my blood pressure and then stood in line again to get my file, then finally just before closing I saw a nurse but they said there was no medication.

Every time my sister or husband get sick, which is rare, they also go ?to Rex and get similar treatment. My husband was told they do not give medical letters after 11am (even if you were there prior to that). This means that if my sister or husband takes sick leave, go to Rex and are seen after 11am they will not receive a sick note.

My sister always gets treated horribly as they send her home with paracetamol only. My niece, who has had respiratory problems in the past is not treated. They just give her paracetamol, hence we are forced to seek help at another hospital or clinic. They often tell us there’s nothing wrong with her. In March I had severe pink eye and eye infection, they gave me a yeast infection ointment that is not meant for eyes.

I ended up at Helen Joseph and nearly lost sight in my left eye. My daughter and niece had mumps and they also misdiagnosed it. Most of the staff don’t even ask about your medical history which is very important. When you try to explain they get defensive and rude and ask you if you are a doctor.

The recent incident was Friday 21 August. My sister went there for the second time that week. She only received something for pain the first time but had a throat infection and bad cough.? She was there early and waited in line then left to get something to eat and returned to her spot in queue. She has had a run in with Mr Binda before so he recognised her and told her to come with him. He took her to the manager who started verbally attacking her and said that coloured people like to complain and coloured people must go to Davidsonville clinic and not come there.

I feel that is very racist and unfair, racism doesn’t only happen against black south africans. We pay our taxes and are a part of this country. We are also human beings with rights to confidentiality and the right to have medical treatment available and to keep our dignity. I have sent the same email to David Dewes councillors offices. They have said they will forward it to him and then get back to me.

With everything happening at Roodepoort primary, this is a sensitive time for us. If tables were turned and it was a coloured nurse making derogatory statements terms to someone of African descent, it would be the top headline in papers. ? People need to know that no matter what race, respect is needed.

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