
To solve this we need to negotiate

Anonymous from Davidsonville writes: As a former resident of Davidsonville and former learner of the school in question I am truly appalled. I’ve been following the developments closely as it is close to home per se. I strongly believe that the community is? Seeking justification for what they believe to be unjust. Yet I can’t help to think …

Anonymous from Davidsonville writes:

As a former resident of Davidsonville and former learner of the school in question I am truly appalled.

I’ve been following the developments closely as it is close to home per se. I strongly believe that the community is? Seeking justification for what they believe to be unjust. Yet I can’t help to think that they are approaching it in a manner that will never get any results.

I challenge the community to stop the talk and put whatever grievances they have on the table in writing or before a court of law so that the matter can reach a resolution. Accusations are being levelled at just about everyone and everything. Nepotism, bias, racial inequality, parents to mention a few? No hard evidence is not forthcoming. Being rowdy is simply disrupting society. The way I see it, the only people that areaffected negatively are the learners because of adult tendency. All those kids will have to repeat their grades next year. They’ve lost so much already. Moving them on to the next grade will only be to their detriment. And also suggest at no cost in terms of fees for 2016.

The word for this crisis is negotiate! To the MEC I say: If what the community are saying regarding the appointment of the principle and deputies are valid in the slightest, don’t sweep it under the rug. Points being – Maladministration at her previous school, misappropriation of funds previous and current post, allegations of bribery and corruption regarding placements. Look into it in depth. There is too much corruption in all sectors to have it in our foundation phase. What role models are we for generations to come? Transporting hordes of members into your “imbizo” to make up numbers was crude, responsible and simply citing anger and malice. Stating that the minority will not rule the majority. This is ludicrous. Where did you finish your tertiary? I dare to ask.

Let’s face facts. That school does not have the capacity to? accommodate the community of Davidsonville’s learners and all the surrounding informal settlements learners. Why not do as was done for the new developments in Fluerhof and set up mobile classes in the form as a fully equipped school. That project seemed to be progressing well. And creating jobs in the process. This is a simple matter being made difficult by pride and ignorance. Hard to believe all this is coming from supposedly “educated” individuals on either side.

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