Water limiting on the horizon

Water limiting may soon be a reality for all South Africans.

If you thought load shedding or load limiting was bad, then just wait for water limiting.

South Africa is a naturally dry country and we use the same clean water for drinking as we do for flushing our toilets. If we take a closer look at our daily water usage, I think we will all be surprised to see just how much water we waste.

There is no doubt that SA will face a water crisis in the near future, but this is again an example of how government has failed in its duty. Years of infrastructure neglect and bad planning has resulted in Eskom and government having to implement load shedding, and the same is about to happen with our water.

Surely the powers that be, and the ministers who get paid millions, ought to have known that our water resources would one day become depleted. Is this another example of how government only acts when it is in crisis? I think so.

We are all to blame for wasting water, but government is to blame for not putting plans in place to ensure we do not sit with a crisis. Water is a precious resource and we all need it to survive. Plans to preserve water should have been on the top of government’s priority list, before we ever reached this stage.

What do you think?

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