Disgusted at new changes

It was with both amazement and utter disgust what I read on the front page of this weeks issue of the Roodepoort Record about the proposed changes that want to be made to the road traffic act. While I agree fully about the heavy vehicles over nine tons be banned on the roads between certain times in the mornings …

It was with both amazement and utter disgust what I read on the front page of this weeks issue of the Roodepoort Record about the proposed changes that want to be made to the road traffic act.

While I agree fully about the heavy vehicles over nine tons be banned on the roads between certain times in the mornings and evenings.At the times stated in the paper these trucks seem to take over the roads of their own free will and with 100% disregard for all the other traffic on the roads at any time of the day. Also the part that I agree with refers to 1) the banning of school children on the back of bakkies for financial gain and 2) workers only being transported on the back of enclosed vehicles and in limited numbers.

On the subject of motorists having to go through a practical exam and answer questions when they go to renew their licences, well that is utter nonsense because only if it is found that the person in question has had frequent traffic fines then it is right that this person be made to do both the exam and answer questions.

On the question of lowering the speed limits, well that thought is completely full of 100% b******t and 100% c**p. With the current speed limits if anybody from the law enforcement departments will be prepared to take the time to sit in unmarked vehicles beside the road at any time of the day then they will see all the Formula 1 drivers in both the taxis and normal cars completely disregarding the rules of the road. If there were traffic officers on the roads at all times then these speed merchants would be able to be brought to book.

Now I would like one a sensible person to answer this question for me. “If the speed limits are indeed lowered to those speeds spoken about,then would that action curb our speed merchants?” Somehow I don’t think that it would because they would still carry on with their reckless driving manner. As far as I am concerned that with the proposed new speed limits more and more normal motorists will get stressed out or very very angry/uptight. s a result they will very soon be forced to imitate our speed merchants thus causing more carnage on our roads.

I am not saying that I am a perfect driver but I obtained my EC (code 14) drivers licence on 31 March 1980 and have now had it for just over 35 years without any form of accident occurring. This involved driving double deck and single deck buses, four ton trucks and normal cars.I am now 68 years old and still in 100% possession of all my thoughts and actions.

Would anybody like to comment on what I have said in this letter?

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