
‘Spy cables’ by Dave ‘Forever’ Young

WELTEVREDEN PARK – Weltevreden Park poet Dave 'Forever' Young shares his latest poems on the digital leak of hundreds of digital intelligence documents from spy agencies.

Please remember, don’t forget

The spy cables, the software and other security gadgets

Remember too, Rahab of the bible fame,

And her espionage, and her shame!

Secrets mean you have something to hide,

Perhaps a girl or boy friend on the side!

No secret can be kept; it will always spring a leak,

Whether it’s this year, next year, or next week!

Security and spying are birds of a feather,They cost a lot of money, and are not very clever.

They create an ideal setting for bribery and corruption, Exploding nuclear bombs, rockets and weapons of destruction! Security uses drones, CCTV, cables and many other modes, But spies can track, and break down any kind of codes.

Security is expert in all sorts of signal jamming,

But spies use recorders, bugs and every means of scamming!

They use intelligence gathering satellites, cyber space, and drones!

Also, perhaps gold, silver, diamonds and moonstones!

Social network, such as twitter and face book, on the internet,

Are easily bugged and hacked, with nothing secret!

If you want everyone to know your business,

Put it on the internet, God is my witness!

Our Security Department is like the lady who lived in a shoe,

They have so many secret files they don’t know what to do.

Security men believe there is a spy under every stone,

And that is why they never want to leave a stone alone.

Without much evidence they can put you in jail,

And if you criticize them, you won’t get any bail!

If there were no secrets, there would be no need for spies,

And everything would be rosy, under clear blue skies.

There is only one person, who knows everything;

That is God who knows all your secrets and sins:

Openness and transparency is the only answer,

To eliminate spying, that’s another fatal cancer!!!!!

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