Reach out to Sparrow Ministries

Congratulations to Maragon’s Head girl, Karli Coetzee for her wonderful work in helping the poor. As it is well-known, Sparrow was almost bought to its knees by a vicious poison letter that was never investigated. Time took its toll over Christmas with heartbreak and sadness on the staff and the children as the children’s representative …

Congratulations to Maragon’s Head girl, Karli Coetzee for her wonderful work in helping the poor.

As it is well-known, Sparrow was almost bought to its knees by a vicious poison letter that was never investigated. Time took its toll over Christmas with heartbreak and sadness on the staff and the children as the children’s representative letter to the press in defence of themselves was ignored.

We have not closed down. We still have the Hospice and teenagers and the mothers as well as the children of the mothers awaiting work and shelter. Preferably RDP (Reconstruction Development Programme) homes and not shacks. We are working hard to keep our heads above water.

Sparrow has lost all major donors both nationally and internationally which later resulted in us having to retrench staff after having been working for us for 10 years. Thank God Almighty that the people who know us well remained loyal like Woolworths and Pick n Pay. However, the sadness and hurt and lack of funds remain. We have had the letter writers acknowledge them and their guilt and have chosen to forgive and let God deal with that issue.

The reason for writing this letter is because Sparrow needs support. We need support from someone like Karli, someone who would join our children’s home board with the backing of the Department of Social Services so that all our children are back and safe with us. It is a heavy responsibility to ensure all things are compliant and safe for the children. We need maintenance on the cluster homes to make them as beautiful as the ones done by the Ackermans staff. Our fence, which is six and a half hectares, needs paint. Our vehicles are very old (new ones can act as your ad). Also, our vegetable gardens which feed us and our outreaches, need volunteers and equipment for those moms working as their payment for accommodation.

And how will we give back to our wonderful supporters? Through the successful running of our craft village and a grand garden party celebration of the Fighting Sparrow during big celebration days like Easter, Heritage Day, Christmas Day, etc. We need your help to make us number one again. If Karli can do it, so can you. Sportsmen, how about Team Sparrow at the Cape Argus Cycle Tour? We can do it together.

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