There is something rotten

“Let us stop pretending” by Anonymous, refers. Science has proven that one’s worldview and belief systems are not determined by genetics but by one’s thoughts. We are not mechanical beings and are your statements in effect, highly irresponsible, to the point where many would think they are ‘cast-in-stone’ products of DNA and therefore need not …

“Let us stop pretending” by Anonymous, refers. Science has proven that one’s worldview and belief systems are not determined by genetics but by one’s thoughts. We are not mechanical beings and are your statements in effect, highly irresponsible, to the point where many would think they are ‘cast-in-stone’ products of DNA and therefore need not take responsibility for anything. With such attitude, anything goes and anything will keep going.

You seem to be a proponent of evolution (…ary theory)- therefore the chaos, lack of respect, absence of accountability, etc then, can be seen as your answer (us not having evolved sufficiently) to the questions of life, having imploded on itself. Human beings have externalised value systems instead of applying self-governance on the inside. Your approach I am afraid to say, is one of fatalism, is depressing in the least and offers no solution

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