Letter to residents about stray dogs

It seems that in Florida there is a lack of concern for the welfare of pets. On a daily basis, somewhere between the 9th street railway bridge and Nadine Road, ironically near the SPCA, I see a dog that is roaming about unattended, often into the road. It’s not the same dog, and it’s not …

It seems that in Florida there is a lack of concern for the welfare of pets. On a daily basis, somewhere between the 9th street railway bridge and Nadine Road, ironically near the SPCA, I see a dog that is roaming about unattended, often into the road. It’s not the same dog, and it’s not at the same place but every morning, someone living in the area neglects to make sure their pets are locked into the property and are safe.

This morning there was what appeared to be a German Shepherd and a puppy running along 9th street in the vicinity of Rebecca street. On Maud street there is always a dog roaming around, sometimes black, sometimes white, but never with regard to traffic. I have called the SPCA twice to collect the dogs before they get run over. Unfortunately I cannot do this every day and the SPCA certainly have more important things to do than to check up on people and whether they have locked their gates.

If you have an animal in your care, whether as a pet or as a guard dog. Please be more vigilant, and care for it as you intended to when you acquired it. Make sure your dog is on the correct side of the gate before you close it in the mornings and the evenings.

And if your pet has gone missing, pay a visit to the SPCA.

And if you don’t have a pet but think it is time for one, why not rescue one from the SPCA? But please remember to care for it.

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